Boosting Your Poker Skills With Courses and Resources to Check Out

Boosting your poker skills requires more than just playing the game well. You need to refine your strategy, build your bankroll, and develop a mental edge over your opponents.
There are many ways to sharpen your poker skills, but reading poker strategy books is one of the best. The following ten books will give you invaluable insights to improve your gameplay and win more money.
Kill Everyone: The Secrets to Winning at High-Stakes Poker
Taking your poker game to the next level requires more than just playing. You have to understand the rules and different hands, and you need discipline to stick to your strategy and not get swayed by emotions.
Poker is a complex game that can take a lifetime to master. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you improve your skills and become a better player. These include books, poker videos and online poker courses.
Killing the Game of Chance
This book will help you learn poker math and strategies that you can use to make better judgment calls at the tables. It also teaches you how to understand your opponents and take advantage of their mental and emotional stress.
This course is a great option for anyone who wants to improve their tournament play. It covers topics such as satellite play, analyzing tells, and moving up stakes. It also teaches you how to play in difficult spots like on the bubble, end-game strategy, and detailed hand analysis.
Killing the Game of Bluffing
If you want to take your poker game to the next level, you need to learn more advanced concepts and strategies. This book will teach you how to adjust your ranges and make smart decisions on the fly.
From pot odds and implied odds to expected value calculations, this book teaches you how to understand poker math at a deeper level. It is a must-read for anyone serious about improving their poker skills.
Killing the Game of Tells
This book covers the fundamentals of poker strategy. It’s an excellent choice for beginners and those looking to strengthen their foundational knowledge of the game.
Owen Gaines breaks down the math behind winning poker moves. He explains pot odds, implied odds, and expected value (EV) calculations in simple terms.
No one plays poker for breakeven, so you’ll need to study in order to become a solid winner. This set of workbooks helps you understand the concepts in a practical way.
Killing the Game of Live Poker
Whether you’re an aspiring tournament poker player or just want to improve your current skills, this book will help you. It covers topics such as satellite play, lower-buy in events, analyzing tells, and moving up stakes. It also covers the technical side of poker, including value betting, range analysis, game theory optimal play, and short stack strategies.
The course is a great way to get started in the world of poker and it offers plenty of extra tips, tricks, and effective strategies to help you improve your skills.
Essential Poker Math for No Limit Holdem
Poker math is an often overlooked aspect of the game, but it’s vitally important to understand. Owen Gaines makes this process easy with this book, which walks you through pot odds, implied odds, equity and EV calculations, card combinatory, and mathematical explanations of various plays.
Unlike many poker books that concentrate on strategy, this one takes a more theoretical approach and breaks down Game Theory Optimal (GTO) play. It’s a must-have for anyone serious about becoming an excellent no limit hold’em player.
Essential Poker Strategy for No Limit Holdem
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, this book will help you improve your game. It covers a variety of topics, including satellite play, analyzing tells, and moving up stakes.
This book teaches readers how to steal pots from tight players, adjust to loose-aggressive opponents, and read their betting patterns. It also discusses value betting and game theory optimal play.
Gaines’ book takes an advanced approach to poker math, teaching you how to calculate pot odds and EV. You’ll be an expert in no time!
Essential Poker Psychology for No Limit Holdem
Poker is a numbers game, and it’s important to understand simple arithmetic before you head to the table. This book covers the math behind poker decisions and helps players of all skill levels make educated, mathematically-based judgments at the table.
Owen Gaines tackles poker mathematics in a way that even beginners can understand. He teaches concepts like pot odds, implied odds, expected value (EV), and more to help you improve your decision making.
Essential Poker Strategy for Limit Holdem
Essential Poker Strategy equips players with fundamental No-limit Hold’em maths. It teaches you to read opponents’ hands and calculate their expected value (EV), pot odds, and implied odds.
Tournament play is all about making the right decisions in every single hand. This book outlines strategies that will help you win by taking advantage of your opponents’ mistakes and weaknesses.
A must-read for all beginners, this book teaches the basics of No-limit Hold’em and includes advanced concepts like bluffing and bet sizing.